Identity work
Desenhado com os dedos no iphone com o "Sketchbook".
Hand drawn on iphone with "Sketchbook".
Nature. Coming out in 3D.
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PS VITA "Your own Flesh and Blood"
Pós-produção para um concurso Playstation.
O conceito espelhava o facto de esta consola ter tantos sensores e zonas tácteis, que de facto "sente": está viva e é "como tu".
Post-prodution for a Playstation pitch. The concept was based on the Vita overwhelming number of sensors, as if it could almost "feel", Vita´s alive and it's just like you.
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O conceito aqui foi pegar em disquetes antigas e trabalhá-las, mas mantendo como título o progama que lá estava gravado.
The idea was to reuse old floppy discs, giving them a new interpretation, but keeping the name of the recorded data as the title.
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"Jesus" , "Stormbanker"", "RoboKitchenCop". Stencils.
Subway Instagrammer Statue. Sticker.